Mad Skillz or Dumb Luck? I'm going with Dumb Luck.
Sometimes computer problems just go away. Occasionally, someone will tell me about a problem they're having, and when I try to help them, the problem's gone. Sometimes, I don't even have to be present.
Our scheduler has had a new smart-phone for a month now, but couldn't use it because it wouldn't sync with her computer. The computer didn't even recognize that something had been connected. Last week, two technicians and the department phone expert tried unsuccessfully to get it working. I promised to take a look at it when I had some time. Today, I did. I had the scheduler connect the phone. She did, then I sat down at her desk to watch what happened. ActiveSync popped up and was ready to connect to the smart-phone and sync with no problem. People started looking at me funny. Someone said I was the "Computer Whisperer."
Now I understand how all those Psychic con-men get lured into fooling all their believers; it's kinda fun!
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