The Tokyo, Narita Airport reminds me of Heathrow. The layout is almost identical. If you've been to one, you'll feel comfortable in the other.The Japanese live in a compact environment The hotel rooms are small but nicely appointed. The public restrooms are just too small for me. Even the men's room in the JAL Executive Lounge was confining. (Speaking of crowded, the culture allows line jumping. This morning, several times, people crowded ahead of me. Odd, in such a seemingly orderly society.)(Update: They might not have been Japanese.)
I'm sure that the tap water in the hotel is safe to drink. Japan is fastideous about cleanliness and health in general. I did use it once to brush my teeth, but I felt better using bottled water.
It was windy when we landed yesterday, but this morning was calm and sunny, a beautiful day to sight-see the south east coast-line of Japan. The pictures here are of the bay near Nagoya and the bridge near Kobe.

The flight to Xiamen is on a JAL 67, a wonderful plane, my favorite.
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