Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I’ve been thinking about how many times I’ve taken the military oath.  Between initial sign up, Officer Training School, my commissioning, joining the National Guard, and finally, the Air Force Reserve, it adds up to maybe a half a dozen times.

In short, I swore to uphold the the Constitution of the United States.    I still feel that I’m under oath to protect it.  I’m ok with that. I like the constitution. Of course that includes the amendments--- all of them.  I suppose, if there were an amendment I didn’t like, I’d be obligated to uphold it, too.  Fortunately for me, I like them all.  I think people forget that it’s a package deal.  You don’t get to pick and choose which parts of the constitution you support.

Maybe it’s time to give the old thing a quick scan, just to refresh in our minds what is says, and why, and what it really means.


Here is a quick summary of the entire Constitution.