In the Fall of 1972 we went to Phoenix, Arizona to start my training in the F-4 at Luke Air Force Base. That's where I met Bob. Bob was the real thing. He was raised on a 10,000 acre ranch in Wyoming. He would ride his horse into the mountains for days at a time to bring the herds down to safe pastures for the winter. He participated in the local rodeos. A Catholic, for a time he considered becoming a priest. I was a student pilot and Bob was a student Weapons System Operator. We were paired together as a crew.
At first, I wouldn't have anything to do with him other than our training. I didnt mean to be rude, although I probably was. Thinking back, I was frightened and in over my head. I usually put up walls when I'm feeling like that. The other student crews were becoming friends and they took notice that Bob and I weren't. Some of them asked me about it. I just didn't see that bonding was necessary.
Perhaps someone said something to C, or perhaps her instincts kicked in. She had me invite Bob to dinner one night. The evening started off cordially. Then C started working her magic. She brought us together, so that by the end of the evening, a close friendship had started.
We went through the rest of the training together and had many rewarding, and sometimes hazardous, flights. Once, I almost ran us out of fuel. We made it to the base with so little gas that the indications were unreliable. I expected the engines to flameout while we taxied in. It shook me up that my incompetance had put his life, as well as my own, at risk. He told me that whatever I did, he was proud to fly with me. If that meant we became a smoking hole in the dessert, so be it. I would have never had that kind of courage.
At the end of training, Bob went to South East Asia, and I went to Europe. Three years later, Bob was reassigned to my Wing, but to a different Squadron. So we connived to get the chance to fly together again. It was wonderful to fly with him, both of us now much better at our jobs, but still like kids with a new toy.
It's been years since we've heard from each other, but we both know that a phone call would make the time disappear.